Pubg Pc New Weapons

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Other new content includes weapons, weapon attachments, and game modes, and though we don’t have specific announcements about what those will be there is a teaser image of one of the new guns.. Playerunknown's battlegrounds is getting a new update on pc, and it's a big one. update 12 introduces a new weapon--the slr--and a new vehicle on miramar. it also kicks off the start of the new. While it's apparently entirely possible to win a game of playerunknown’s battlegrounds without firing a shot, for those of us less committed to pacifism, finding and firing guns is the key to.

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Pubg weapon damage stats and charts, including the new mk47 mutant and beryl m762 the best pubg weapons - and why before diving into the tables, there are a few things to bear in mind:. Pubg pc 1.0 update #12 . check out the latest pubg patch notes for pc 1.0. this is update #12 this is a big patch. we’ve got map selection, bug fixes, more improvements for miramar, and a whole heap of weapon balance changes.. A new pubg pc update is now live on test servers, introducing a variety of tweaks, fixes, and improvements. the new update #23 introduces a new weapon, gameplay tweaks, such as changes to blue.

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